Pathway to Healing: An Anthology of Poems and Prose

Created by Patients at MemorialCare Todd Cancer Institute, Long Beach Memorial Medicare Center

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Patients explore expressive writing and art during cancer diagnosis, treatment, and remission; discovering that creative self-expression can serve as refuge.

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Pathway to Healing is a window into the patients' thoughts and emotions—helping them realize that despite it all, even under covid-19, there is still laughter and joy in their lives.

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  • -Edelma D'Trinidad

    "It is love I feel in that mirrored presence.

    Magnificent and radiant as light,

    Love is in front of me and in me,

    Always present."

  • -Richard Alan Harvey

    "There hung 10,000 origami cranes, flying on a hundred strands of diligently folded paper prayer promise."

  • -Anita Gonzales

    "It was love at first sight. Her coat—jet-black, shining so intensely—took my breath away."

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